Thursday, 3 February 2011

The Key Of Progression

My love of keys started at a young age, I think I was about ten when I had my first two octave keyboard! I taught myself to read music and a few songs followed. I soon managed to blag a proper set of keys and went off for lessons at a Technics Music Academy. I absolutely loved it, even riding my bike there and arriving with frozen hands didn't prove a deterrent. At lessons I favourited the Technics KN5000 or an electric piano. They all seemed so hi-tech at the time and I ALWAYS rinsed the 'applause' effect at the end of each number, of course this was in the privacy of my headphones, though today I would happily push the button for all to hear the roar of the cheering crowd, ha ha ha! 

Here's me 'LIVE' ;) at one of their shows ...

Fast forward a few years and I am still drawn to keyboards, though now it's mostly in the form of Roland Synthesizers. The use of hardware is really very important to me and all of my tracks involve various Roland gizmos. Be it keys, like the current super slick V-Synth, or something very, very, very analog (and about the same age as me!) like the Super Jupiter rack, they sound awesome and so do the end results. In a world where everything is becoming so removed and computerised, it's nothing but a good thing to hold on to my roots of pressing keys.

Sharing a moment with Roland Synths & Drum Machines